Organization: Location: 11000 Rosslyn Rd. Garcia Middle School Houston , TX, 77038United StatesSee map: Google Maps Bookworm Book FestivalDates: 02/01/2025Time: 9 am- 12 pm Bookworm Book Festival Organization: The Woodlands Children's MuseumLocation: 4775 West Panther Creek DriveThe Woodlands , TX, 77381United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:281-465-0955 Mrs. Claus' Gingerbread House WorkshopDates: 12/18/2024Time: 10:00-12pm Organization: Nature Discovery CenterLocation: 7112 NewcastleBellaire, TX, 77401United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:713-667-6550 Nature Story TimeDates: 12/11/202412/18/2024Time: 4 pm Location: ONLINE ONLYOn Pulse-Pounding, Family Driven Mysteries: A Conversation with Laura DaveDates: 12/11/2024Time: 2PM Organization: The Woodlands Children's MuseumLocation: 4775 West Panther Creek DriveThe Woodlands , TX, 77381United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:281-465-0955 Shadow Puppet Theatre in DECEMBERDates: 12/12/202412/19/2024Time: 11:00am Organization: The Woodlands Children's MuseumLocation: 4775 West Panther Creek DriveThe Woodlands , TX, 77381United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:281-465-0955 Shadow Puppet Theatre in JanuaryDates: 01/09/202501/16/202501/23/2025Show more datesHide these dates01/30/2025Time: 11:00am Organization: The Woodlands Children's MuseumLocation: 4775 West Panther Creek DriveThe Woodlands , TX, 77381United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:281-465-0955 Storybook Theatre in DECEMBERDates: 12/13/202412/20/202412/27/2024Time: 11:00am Organization: The Woodlands Children's MuseumLocation: 4775 West Panther Creek DriveThe Woodlands , TX, 77381United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:281-465-0955 Storybook Theatre in JanuaryDates: 01/10/202501/17/202501/24/2025Show more datesHide these dates01/31/2025Time: 11:00am Organization: Texas State RailroadLocation: 535 Park Rd 76 Rusk, TX, 75785United StatesSee map: Google MapsPhone:877-726-7245 Texas State Railroad -THE POLAR EXPRESS™Dates: 12/11/202412/12/202412/13/2024Show more datesHide these dates12/14/202412/15/202412/18/202412/19/202412/20/202412/21/202412/22/202412/23/202412/24/202412/26/202412/27/202412/28/2024Time: see website Location: ONLINE ONLYThe Chief Rabbi's Funeral: The Untold Story of America's Largest Antisemitic RiotDates: 01/23/2025Time: 6:00PM - 7:00PM Location: ONLINE ONLYUnderstanding Antisemitism: Online Book Discussion SeriesDates: 12/17/2024Time: 7:00PM-8:30PM #OperationStorytime Volume Two Discover Monroe County's Library System: FAR More than You Think! KidsOutAndAbout Speaks to Kathleen Blasi About HOSEA PLAYS ON KidsOutAndAbout Speaks to Keely Hutton About SECRET SOLDIERS