Homeschool groups and programs in the Houston area
Below is a list of organizations that provide resources, opportunities, activities, programs, or classes for home schooled students in the Houston area.
To see our list that is exclusively home schooling groups, click here.
Little Beakers
Science Lab for KidsScience concepts are best learned through hands-on experimentation, not strictly through textbooks. Little Beakers founder and polymers scientist, Dr. Cinttya Morgan, has developed a comprehensive program for students from preschool to high school, incorporating all sciences while aligning state grade-level requirements with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). All these standards are met and exceeded through weekly immersion on the following topics: The scientific method, STEM and robotics projects, Dissections, Study of the periodic table and Molecular modeling.
Go to to find a Little Beakers Science Lab near you or call us at 1-833-KIDS-LAB for more information.
Little Beakers – Created by a scientist for future scientists