Drone Soccer

-Drone Soccer is coming to Texas! Drone Soccer is played in Korea, Malaysia, France, and many other countries. Quiddich meets Star Wars!
STEM! Students that are interested in being part of a team/league can visit us at one of our Drone Soccer Summer Tour locations - Libraries, YMCA's, City Offices, Schools, Malls, and more locations. Demonstrations of Drone Soccer, Drone Simulator, and on-site registration available.
Process to be on a team/league:
1. Register. Cost is 125.00 per student.
2. Learn the game. Rules of play, Regulation live on Zoom, or self-paced.
3. Learn FAA Regulations. FAA TRUST
4. Build a STEM Drone (Free with $125.00 registration)
5. Practice.
6. Play on a team.
7. Go to the World Cup! (This year in Korea! Winner received $10,000.00)
go to www.dronesoccer.io to learn more!
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am-12:00 am
Saturday: Closed