Family to Family Network | Kids Out and About Houston

Family to Family Network

13150 FM 529, Suite 106
Houston , TX , 77041
Phone: 713-466-6304
29° 52' 49.9332" N, 95° 36' 35.8488" W
Contact name: 
Joanie Hoffner
Business/organization type: 
What our organization offers: 
Subjects / Categories: 
Ages for which our activities are most appropriate: 
We help families who have children with disibilities with information, referrals, trainings and support

What We Do At Family to Family Network • Information and Referral; • Education; and • Support - through the Programs we offer at Family to Family Network:what_we_do • Educational Events: Educational Events are given periodically throughout the year for families and professionals who work with children with disabilities, most notably, our annual Parent Conference & Resource Fair. • F2F News & E-Digest: We publish a quarterly newsletter filled with success stories, articles of inspiration and current information meant to educate families. Monthly we also provide families and the community with an email calendar of local events. • Family Events A holiday party, trips to sporting events, and our annual Kite flying event are all opportunities to meet and network with other families while having fun. • Lending Library Our Library is filled with books and videos with information about education, disability information, resources and more! • Resource Center: Our Resource Center has resource materials as well as a computer with Internet access and software that families can use to create Student-Introduction Portfolios and communications systems for children with limited language. • Texas Project FIRST: This is a bilingual website committed to providing accurate and consistent information on the special education process to families. This is an activity of the Texas Continuous Improvement Process under the auspices of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Region 9 Education Service Center and focused on fulfilling the goals of TEA and the Parent Coordination Leadership.

Academic, Special Needs