Uptown Houston

As one of the world’s leading urban districts, Uptown Houston is poised to become even greater than the prestigious blend of commercial and residential properties that it is today. Through a series of improvement initiatives, Uptown Houston has started implementing its strategic vision to ensure its continued success as one of the world’s great urban centers.
Over the last fifty years, Uptown Houston has developed from a rural area into one of the nation’s largest suburban activity centers. Uptown is, effectively, a “downtown” without the infrastructure or public services traditionally associated with downtown areas.
The need for infrastructure improvements and for a higher level of public services became increasingly important issues for Uptown. As a result, the Uptown Houston District, the Uptown Houston Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ), and the Uptown Development Authority were created to work together to address the needs of the area and to serve as a catalyst to create, enhance, and maintain value within Uptown Houston by developing and preserving an urban center of uncommon beauty, gracious character, and dynamic spirit.